How to work better together after a merge of two companies ? How to align goals and get a better understanding of the different business cultures?
How are we in the race, as a person and as a team? What is getting in our way which we have to solve first ?
We facilitated the journey through the change curve in order to build trust and common understanding after which goals & responsibilities could be set and results could kick-in.
One company is being ‘merged’ in the other company. Aquiered for the unique character, their IP, the people, the results…. And then the management wants results, “return on investment“, ROI. ASAP!
But what is often forgotten is that everyone must get used to the new cooperation, systems must be aligned, customers must get used to the new WoW, new points of contact. And that takes time. Time that is often not taken to meet new challenges together. To get to know each other and to build trust again.
And we have done that together. 80 men and women who had never been together. People who work from 3 different locations really got together for the first time! That is different than by telephone or Skype, no matter how good these communication tools are. Sometimes nothing is better than “face-2-face” contact.
Together we went through an inspiring and also intensive program. Getting to know each other better in a fun way, but also getting to know the company again. What do we take with us, what do we leave behind on the route that is ahead of us and where are we going? What is our new common goal, how does management manage this and how do we see the future?
In short, we all learned a lot from and with each other. With renewed energy towards a bright future in full cooperation!